Kingdom Vision |
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Israel Prayer Update, June 1, 2015
[Occasion of display in Jerusalem of oldest known copy of the
Vision to Save Your Life and Renew Hope |
Here at Lindsay House, we want the very best for you!
We want you to prosper in spirit, soul and body.
You may possess bank accounts, real estate,
own art works, and stocks and bonds --
And yet you could be frustrated, miserable, alienated, and perhaps even
tempted to end your own life.
Or, you may have lost your job, your home and your retirement savings!
So if you are reading this now, it means that a door is opening for you
to overcome, and to transform your disappointments into victories!
Be warned:
Where there is no vision, the people perish.
We have heard or read the phrase, "corrections in the market".
Well, our Creator God makes corrections in other areas too -- such as,
1) pulling down unjust governments, and instead, raising up leaders who honor Him and His principles,
2) letting motives leading to bad policies and actions boomerang on their perpetrators, and raising up those who can heal the disastrous mess.
It is because we need to be comforted and encouraged in times like these, that God speaks to His friends (who love and serve Him), and tells them to publish what He has said.
Following are two such messages. Let us believe them.
Be blessed, be comforted, and be encouraged!
As in the Days of Noah...
by Theresa Phillips
Jun 14, 2010
I was in worship when the Lord spoke to me, "These are the days of Noah. Speak it forth, do not hold back," said the Lord.
Wow, I was taken by surprise by this. His voice was loud and clear! "Yes Sir," was my answer. Then He began to prophesy through me, "These are the days of Noah. As the people did not understand what Noah was doing, so will they not understand what I am asking you to do." That got my attention!
Again He said, "These are as the days of Noah. When the ark was to be built, laughter and scorn were the response. So it shall be again. Build me a resting place," said the Lord God. "Who will build Me a refuge? Who will build for Me?" asked the Lord.
"These are like the days of Noah. I am speaking, I am seeking, I am waiting for a joint effort to BUILD My realm. Storm clouds are gathering. I am calling for a building - a reformation of the Kingdom. IT IS AT HAND. Who will build?" said the Lord. Then I began to shudder in awe... Total awe...
What Shall We Build?
God, make me a heart like David!
2 Samuel 7:13 He is the one who will build a house for My Name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.
"I require," says the Lord, "a house, a home, a safety chamber, a place of rest. I was continually with Noah and those who were with him," says the Lord. "In like manner, I will be with you! I am asking for a new ark of safety. I am asking for a rebuilding of My eternal Kingdom in the below. I am asking for My Church to arise to the task... Build Me a place."
Acts 7:49 "Heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool. What kind of house will you build for Me?" says the Lord. "Or where will My resting place be?"
I was aware of a mandate from the Lord. He is calling for a reconstruction of a tabernacle - NOT made by hands but established in the hearts of men. This tabernacle is the continued communication between God and His subjects.
"My People, Resist the Temptation to Disrupt the Plans I Have"
He began to speak more: "I am calling for this NOW! I am asking My people to resist the temptation to disrupt the plans I have. For as in the days of Noah, the people were not READY to have a relationship as Noah had with Me. They were chiding and complaining and making mockery of what was being established in the earth... A man heard My voice, he obeyed Me, his family was spared. Creatures were placed in safety. Do you know," says the Lord, "that every animal I placed in the ark will never perish? Never perish!
"Man will NEVER perish; that which is made in My image will not die! For I am an ETERNAL God and will not die. I said I would never leave you, never forsake you. Trust Me," says the Lord! "I am on a collision course with man's agenda; I will move My Kingdom, My domain, My presence, My person, My realm, My atmosphere.
I will move it as a suddenly in your midst and you will stand in awe."
"It is For You to Know the Seasons"
"'Why?' is the question I hear often in My ear. 'When?' is the next. But I say to you, 'It is for you to know the seasons. It is for you to plant and reap in them as they come upon you. That will satisfy Me,'" says the Lord. "I will move in your midst!"
Jeremiah 8:7 Even the stork in the sky knows her appointed seasons, and the dove, the swift and the thrush observe the time of their migration. But My people do not know the requirements of the LORD.
"Noah heard and acted like he was scorned, but he had My ear," said the Lord. "I am speaking to many today; this very moment, I am sending a word of exhortation. I am proclaiming to you, 'I am in the rebuilding business; I have been rebuilding the Tabernacle of David.'"
Acts 15:16: After this I will return, and will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up.
"This is a house of praise. Yes, praise is building a safe place, for I will dwell among those who praise Me; they will praise Me even more," says the Lord.
Psalm 22:3 Yet you are enthroned as the Holy One; you are the praise of Israel.
"I Am Rebuilding, Re-Emerging and Re-Establishing...
When My Kingdom Sees a King, it Will Change the Nation!"
"I am rebuilding ancient walls; even now researchers are finding ruins in the land of the ancient ones. I am being found, and now I will make you seek Me with more interest...
"Now I am calling for a building...a building of My Kingdom," says the Lord. "I am rebuilding a House of Praise. This noise will be heard abroad and many will come and see what is happening! I am rebuilding a House of Prayer, and many will come and be healed and taught to know My voice. I am rebuilding an army of lovers of the King, and many will then change their habits. Just to get closer! Just to enter! For who does not want to be close to a King?" asked the Lord.
"I am re-emerging Myself as a royal Priest, and many will come and humble themselves in front of the mighty altar of hope. I am re-establishing My boundaries, yes, My commandments, in the hearts of men, and once again a revival of holiness will come forth. This will change nations," says the Lord. "When My Kingdom sees a King in the House of Bread, it will change the nation. I tell you, My throne will change the nation!
"I am making Myself 'seen' so man can be like Me to the governmental leaders of nations, networks and marketplace leaders."
"It is the Day of the New Things as in the Days of Noah
Watch, Pray and Obey"
Matthew 24:37-38: As it was in the days of Noah, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man. For in the days before the flood, people were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, up to the day Noah entered the ark.
"Take this warning, My loved ones, for time is running short: I am on My way to make the GREAT CHANGE. Ha, you heard it, now I will do it! Seat Me as King; your reward will be great. The Kingdom is at hand. Why? For the King MUST be recognized as PRESENT! As in the days of Noah, those who were not educated of My ways did not believe I could speak and I could direct a new thing. Ha, again I say,
'It is The Day of New Things as in the days of Noah!'
" have been in these days; for I say to you NOW do not lose your hope or vision; GO and be it! I am speaking now to you leaders: Watch and pray and obey, for the building must take place!
1 Peter 5:1: To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder, a witness of Christ's sufferings and one who also will share in the glory to be revealed:
"Yes, share with one another, for you in My Kingdom must be a team. Ministers unite! Fellowships unite! People, receive the word of the Lord through ones you know not, for it is I who am building My Kingdom in the below. It is Me calling. It is Me directing. I am with you FOREVER!" says the Lord God Almighty.
Pray with me:
Dear Jesus, I surrender all to be a subject of Your realm. I choose this day to submit myself to You and to Your word and to those of Your Kingdom. I choose this day to unite and believe You can and will be in every house of worship; I will accept them as my own family and admonish them as they do Your will. I choose this day to covenant with You and tabernacle with You to rebuild relationships and repair bridges and conform to Your image. Bless each reader, amen!
Theresa Phillips
Chicago Prophetic Voice
The Bright Lamp of Holiness
by Francis Frangipane
Jun 13, 2010
When true holiness exists in a Christian's life, it produces a luminosity, a glow around that individual. Infants and little children, because their spirits are yet pure and undefiled and because they are so close to the actual presence of God, emanate this light as well. Their light is visible because their hearts are transparent and truthful. For us, the way to the bright lamp of holiness is this same way of transparency and truth.
It is the way to the pure gold of the Kingdom of God.
When Your Eye is Single
From the moment Christ enters within us, we are holy, set apart unto God. This kind of holiness is the same sanctification that made the utensils in the temple holy: holy because they were used in service to the Lord. They had no virtue in themselves; their material substance did not change. Christianity, in general, is holy in that sense. But the holiness we are seeking is the fulfillment of having been set apart. We are seeking a holiness that mirrors, through us, the presence of God in Heaven. We are seeking both His nature and His quality of life.
Since true holiness produces in us the actual life of the Holy Spirit, we must be sure we know who the Spirit is. The Spirit of God is love, not religion. God is life, not rituals. The Holy Spirit does more in us than simply enable us to "speak in tongues" or witness. The Spirit leads us into the presence of Jesus. Herein is our holiness received: in our union and fellowship with Jesus Christ.
Again, the holiness we are seeking is not a legislative or legalistic set of rules; it is Christ's very own life. The Holy Spirit works in us not merely a new desire to love, but He imparts to us Christ's very own love. We develop more than just a general faith in Jesus; we actually begin believing like Jesus, with His quality of faith. It is God in us that makes us holy. Let it stagger us. Let it rock us off our comfortable little perches until, with great trembling and great joy, with deep worship and holy fear, we approach the Divine Reality who has, for His own will and purpose, called us to Himself.
Do you not know that you are a temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? (1 Corinthians 3:16). The Spirit of God dwells in us. In this light, let us ask ourselves again the age-old question, "What is man?" We know how we appear to other men but, if God truly is within us, how do we appear to angels, or devils? What light marks us in the spirit-world, what illumination surrounds us, what glory declares to the invisible realm: Behold and beware, here walks a child of God! Think of it: the Spirit of the Creator, who purposed in the beginning to make man in His image, is in you . . . now.
Holiness is a Body Full of Light
There are limitations. There are conditions. You cannot serve two masters. You cannot serve light and darkness, sin and righteousness, self and God. Light is within you but so also is darkness. Our world is a world in darkness. Our ancestors were sons of darkness. Our carnal minds yet remain theaters of darkness. In a world of choices, we must choose light. That is why Jesus taught that we must be single-minded if we would become fully mature sons of light. He said, The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness (Luke 11:34 KJV).
If you are focused in your will and heart toward God, your body is full of light and you are giving full expression to the glory of God within you. But, if you are double-minded, if you are dwelling on sinful or evil thoughts, your light is proportionally diminished until your very body is full of darkness. Jesus went on to warn, Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness (Luke 11:35 KJV).
If you do nothing about your salvation, fail to seek God, or choose to disobey Him, you are in darkness. Do not console yourself with an aimless hope that someday, somehow, you will get better. Arm yourself with determination! For if the light in you is in darkness, how terrible is that darkness! Son of light, you must hate darkness! For darkness is the substance of Hell; it is the world without God!
But our hope is light, not darkness. Your feet are walking the path of the just, that path which grows brighter and brighter unto the full day. If therefore your whole body is full of light, with no dark part in it, it shall be wholly illumined, as when the lamp illumines you with its rays (Luke 11:36). This verse gives a very clear picture of what holiness looks like in its maturity: our bodies are radiant with glory even as a lamp shines at full brightness. What a tremendous hope - that we can be so wholly illumined with the presence of God that there is "no dark part" within us!
A garment of light and glory awaits the spiritually mature, the holy ones of God, a garment similar to what Jesus wore on the Mount of Transfiguration!
A splendor not just put on in eternity but one worn here, "in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation"; here, where we "appear as lights in the world" (Philippians 2:14-15).
You were formerly darkness, but now you are light in the Lord; walk as children of light (Ephesians 5:8). Now you are a child of light. These are not merely figures of speech! The glory of God is within and around you; it is a spiritual reality! But what of the darkness that is yet within you? Paul continued,
And do not participate in the unfruitful deeds of darkness, but instead even expose them . . . but all things become visible when they are exposed by the light, for everything that becomes visible is light.
Ephesians 5:11, 13
Do not hide your darkness, expose it. Do not sympathetically make excuses for it, confess it. Hate it. Renounce it. For as long as darkness remains in darkness, it rules you. But when you bring darkness out into the light, it becomes light. When you take your secret sins and boldly come unto the throne of God's grace and confess them, He cleanses you from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). If you sin again, repent again. And again, until the habit of sin is broken within you.
Like the prospectors of old, you must stake your claim high in the Kingdom of God, being ready to defend your rights to the "pure gold" of Heaven (Revelation 3:18). And as you pitch your tent at the throne of grace, something eternal will begin to glow in you, like hot coals on a furnace floor. And as you persist with the Almighty, the sacred fire of His presence will consume the wood, hay and stubble of your former ways.
Power such as Jesus had will reside in your innermost being.
Angels will stand in awe, for your gold will be refined,
your garments light, and your life holy.
Francis Frangipane
Ministries of Francis Frangipane
These two messages were published by:
Elijah List Publications
528 Ellsworth St. SW
Albany, OR 97321
Phone 1-541-926-3250
by Raylyn Terrell
I did not know nor understand what I had done. It was so wonderful to be free of emotional and physical pain. Everything was different, and I was floating on cloud seventy-seven.
That night in October of 1960 I surrendered to God while reading the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5 through 7). Therefore what follows is the fruit of seeking and finding during fifty years of life as God's child. Now, I pray Father's blessing upon you. May you also, seek that you may discover the
Keys to the Kingdom of God!
"The kingdom of God," yes, many use this phrase. The crucial question is, when we speak these words, what do we mean? Do we have to be theologians with many degrees, and many years of study in Scripture and other ancient books, in order to experience and understand this kingdom?
Even a brief look at the words of Jesus tells us, NO. We do not need to be theologians to experience and understand; to know God's kingdom.
Yes, Our Lord Jesus Christ said that we had to be converted (turned, changed) and become like children in order to enter the kingdom of heaven. Earlier in my family life I was the mother of a house full of children. They taught me a lot, and probably more than I was able to teach them. I saw that children can forgive quickly, not holding a grudge; that if they are loved and they know it, they are willing to accept guidance and instruction. I also saw that selfishness, indeed mental illness in a parent, can warp a child's development, scarring the child until healing comes through the Blood of Jesus Christ applied to their memory and emotions.
We need to know and understand then, according to God's Word, what road we must take to qualify. There is an old question: "How then shall we live?" We must personalize this question in God's Presence, and say to Him,
"Father, how would you have me to live?"
Jesus said that the way to LIFE was straight and narrow, and that there are few that find it. Therefore, we must make every effort toward discovering, and turning the keys to God's kingdom.
One may say, "Didn't Jesus give the keys of the kingdom to Peter, and isn't that why he was the first Pope?" Let us look at what Jesus said and get our thinking straight on the matter:
Peter had just answered Jesus' question, "Whom do you say that I am?" Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God!"
Now you are Christ's body, and individually members of it. And God has appointed in the church, first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, helps, administrations, various kinds of tongues.
Paul's letter to his spiritual son, Timothy says that deacons help to minister to the body of believers in material ways, as in 1 Timothy 3:10.
To truly see the Church which is being built by Jesus, who is its cornerstone, we ought not look to religious bodies headed by those who claim authority, and make a big show. When Jesus was asked about identifying a true prophet, or servant of God, he said, "Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits." (Matthew 7:15, 16a) The wise will study the text through vs. 23 as well.
Forgive and be forgiven
In the recent past, medical scientists have observed human behavior and put various labels on the symptoms they have seen. If we are honest, we will simply acknowledge God's statement: "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God."
When we are unhappy and desperate enough to agree with God and say, "I have sinned...I am a sinner." Only then will we know the reality of God's love for us. Only then will the blood sacrifice of Jesus, God's Son, be made real to us, and its power applied to our crying need.
When I reached this point in my life in 1960, a fervent prayer of surrender (which included forgiving all those who had hurt me) enabled Holy Spirit to take possession of my being; changing me forever. I have tried to describe that experience. "It was like waves of liquid love were going back and forth through me. When the sensation stopped, I was filled with a peace I had never known, and I fell into a deep sleep. Some hours later, after attending to the early morning needs of the three children, I returned to my Bible and prayed: "What has happened to me?" I opened the Book, and a passage lifted off the page before my eyes in bold type. It read,
This passage (2 Corinthians 5:17-19) summed it up then, and sums it up now. It describes my conversion experience, the wonderful new reality of my life, and my calling into HIS Life. If someone should ask me who I am, I can speak this same passage of Scripture, and be completely assured of its reality. Who I am as a human personality is unimportant. God's Life in me is everything. Christ is everything. My loving Lord is everything, and my former life is over. I have been forgiven. I died with God's Son, and am now alive in Him, forever (Galatians 2:20).
The greatly honored English scientist, Sir Isaac Newton, defined three laws of motion. The third one equates to:
To every action there is an equal and opposite re-action.
Since the atmosphere of God's Presence in our lives is His wonderful peace, He tells us in His Word to seek peace and pursue it. It is a most important goal for us. The violence today and historical examples should put holy fear into us, when it comes to holding our tempers and bridling our tongues.
Therefore we should actively refuse to take offense, and learn to speak softly, toward the best interests of others. Our warfare is not with people, but with satanic forces that control them.
(A practical example): Is there a leak from a water pipe in your home? When you quickly repair the leak, it will not become a flood on your floor.
His Word is settled in heaven, said the psalmist. He exalts His Word even above His Name. We hide His Word in our hearts so that we will not sin against Him. Jesus is the Word, manifest in the flesh. As a resurrected man, He rules in heaven, and awaits the moment His Father will say it is time to return for all of God's children.
Jesus said that if we would obey His Word, (not understanding, but believing that God gave it), we would receive revelation knowledge concerning it (John 7:16-18). I can remember when this became vividly real in my early walk with Christ. In whatever situation I found myself, when I obeyed the whispered voice of Holy Spirit reminding me of a scriptural passage, the result was always blessed, and I grew in grace, understanding and wisdom. Such a lifestyle will be filled with heartfelt praise and thanksgiving!
Because I have contributed money and food to others over the years, money and food are now being given to me. Because in years past I have given away several automobiles, I am expecting an automobile to be given to me. (My seven-year-old Nissan Altima was repossessed by the bank because of my lack of funds to keep up payments. But that is another story.)
LIFE is not God AND me, it is God IN me, living out His life through my human life, as He did in Jesus, His only begotten Son. His kingdom is experienced by His children through this reality. Jesus said:
"It is the Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom."
"The deeds of the flesh are immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousy, outbursts of anger, disputes, dissensions, factions, envying, drunkenness, carousing, of which I forewarn you...that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God." (from Galatians 5)
Christ's Body is designed by Father to do the same thing. Am I fulfilling my own functions? Am I available to help a weakened part of the Body when the Holy Spirit calls me to do so?
Let us give thanks for this blessed privilege, and fulfill it.
When I had little children, my love for a toddler helped to balance my impatience with the time it took to toilet-train him. (I now know that it was God's love in me for my child. If it were up to my selfish nature to exhibit patience, I could not do it.)
Well, yes, if that's how God's Spirit moves you. Why? Because it will really make the devil mad! And it will put a smile on God's face. He'll say, "That's my boy! I knew he could do it." Then an angel will chase the devil away, and bring you through in heavenly style. If you fume and fuss and try to win this battle in your humanity, giving in to your feelings, the devil has already won. So give God's Word and His Wisdom the benefit of your faith and confidence. Something wonderful will happen, and you will never want to go back to the old way again. This is another wonderful key to God's kingdom!
Yes, indeed. His Word tells us so.
My own "jewels" have wandered down painful paths . Yet as I write, the changes are coming, more and more quickly. It is God's perfect process that matters, however long it takes.
Our loving Father has given and established gifts to help His children navigate through this life, and qualify them for life with Him forever. We may ask:
Would a military commander of integrity, deliberately withhold necessary equipment and defense knowledge from those under his chain of command? The answer must be, no. Therefore let us seek to prophesy, that we might upbuild the Church. When we hear or read prophetic utterance, let us seek the gift of discerning of spirits, so that we will know and be sure that we are hearing only our God.
"You will know them by their fruits." (Matthew 7:15,16a)
The double-minded rebel will say to himself: "God is love. He will forgive me for my little sins. I'm off to the singles bar. No big thing."
I must live my life to give joy first to my Heavenly Father who created me and planned my life; secondly, to my Savior and Lord, Jesus Christ who loved me even as He died for me; and thirdly, to the Holy Spirit who comforts, teaches and guides me.
Lord Jesus Christ.
Faithful is He who calls you, and He also will bring it to pass."
Yeshua described it as follows:
"The kingdom of God is within you."
In His prayer to the Father: "Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on Earth as it is in heaven."
Parable of the wheat and the tares: " And He said, "The one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man, and the field is the world; and as for the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; and the tares are the sons of the evil one: and the enemy who sowed them is the devil, and the harvest is the end of the age; and the reapers are angels.
So just as the tares are gathered up and burned with fire, so shall it be at the end of the age.
The Son of Man will send forth His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all stumbling blocks, and those who commit lawlessness, and will throw them into the furnace of fire; in that place there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Then the righteous will shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear."
May our decision be for Life forevermore, in the kingdom of
God's dear Son, Yeshua.
Prayer to Our Father
Some years ago I was impacted by Larry Lea and Bob Wilhite who taught and demonstrated the true intent of Our Lord in what the church calls, The Lord's Prayer. Actually when seen rightly, John 17 is the Lord's Prayer to Father. The first-mentioned one is actually: The Disciples' Prayer, as outlined by Jesus. It is the model. It is an outline. It was not given to us simply to write in a book and repeat from memory. Memorization of Scripture is good! It is necessary! But it must get into the heart (spirit) not just stay in the mind. It must be spoken; indeed declared and proclaimed!
Here's the key:
1. Jesus was in the rabbinic tradition. Rabbi's taught (and wrote) by giving outlines, from which they would expand, "flesh-out", amplify true meaning, as given by Holy Spirit.
2. In the teaching of martial arts, probably the most important, constantly repeated command is: "FOCUS!" Christians can learn some good lessons from a film like Karate Kid. What's the connection?
3. We believe that the prayer outline given by Jesus to His disciples (which may be called, "Prayer to Our Father"), is the means by which we FOCUS our minds and hearts at the beginning of each day. We seek His face, we acknowledge His sovereignty and our need, and thus we commit our day to His loving grace.
Does it work? It has worked for me for thirty years. I can truly say that the things overcome in my life, largely due to 'fruit development' and effectiveness in intercession, come largely from the daily discipline of this prayer. I commend it to you, as Our Lord's great gift to you.
Holy Spirit will lead you to make whatever adaptations He desires. The following Prayer to Our Father, displays how we believe Our Lord would have us pray:
Some years ago I was impacted by Larry Lea and Bob Wilhite who taught and demonstrated the true intent of Our Lord in what the church calls, The Lord's Prayer. Actually when seen rightly, John 17 is the Lord's Prayer to Father. The first-mentioned one is actually: The Disciples' Prayer, as outlined by Jesus. It is the model. It is an outline. It was not given to us simply to write in a book and repeat from memory. Memorization of Scripture is good! It is necessary! But it must get into the heart (spirit) not just stay in the mind. It must be spoken; indeed declared and proclaimed!
Here's the key:
1. Jesus was in the rabbinic tradition. Rabbi's taught (and wrote) by giving outlines, from which they would expand, "flesh-out", amplify true meaning, as given by Holy Spirit.
2. In the teaching of martial arts, probably the most important, constantly repeated command is: "FOCUS!" Christians can learn some good lessons from a film like Karate Kid. What's the connection?
3. We believe that the prayer outline given by Jesus to His disciples (which may be called, "Prayer to Our Father"), is the means by which we FOCUS our minds and hearts at the beginning of each day. We seek His face, we acknowledge His sovereignty and our need, and thus we commit our day to His loving grace.
Does it work? It has worked for me for thirty years. I can truly say that the things overcome in my life, largely due to 'fruit development' and effectiveness in intercession, come largely from the daily discipline of this prayer. I commend it to you, as Our Lord's great gift to you.
Holy Spirit will lead you to make whatever adaptations He desires. The following Prayer to Our Father, displays how we believe Our Lord would have us pray:
P r a y e r t o O u r F a t h e r
Our Father Who is in heaven, Holy is Your Name. You are
The Lord Our Righteousness The Lord Our Peace
The Lord Our Shepherd Who gives us favor and victory
The Lord Who protects us The Lord Who provides for us
The Lord Who heals us
Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Today Lord, I proclaim Your sovereignty over myself, my family, Your people Israel, Your Church world-wide, my community and my nation. [name government leaders]
Give us this day, our daily bread:
To know and to do your perfect will, walk in righteousness and holiness, in love, joy and peace, goodness, meekness, faith, patience, gentleness and self-control, in revelation knowledge, understanding and wisdom.
Thank you for your ten-fold great grace, mercy, favor, wisdom, and tender loving-kindness.
Thank you for the ministries you have ordained by which you will be glorified through my life (name them)
Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us,
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
I put on the belt of Truth, breastplate of Righteousness, my feet are shod with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace, and protect my mind with your helmet of Truth. I take the shield of Faith and Your Word, the sword of the spirit, to destroy the fiery darts of the wicked one. I plead the holy Blood of the Lamb and declare Your kingdom come, Your will be done over myself, (name family members, Christian family members, neighbors, past, present and future business and other associates)
Yours is the kingdom, the power and glory, forever and ever, Amen!
by the Hebrew Calendar?
The New Year, 5769 began on Rosh Hoshanna.
humility and soul-searching.
With family and friends he rejoices
Let us connect some dots ...
the world changed within these ten days...
Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego
Getting Prepared
Churchianity or Gospel of the Kingdom of God?
Great Commission - Provision
Protecting Our Roots
Prayer that Changed Things
When God Speaks
Message in the Music
A Higher Law
Pride and Presumption
Sun of Righteousness
Presidents and Dictators
THE ROCK or the sand
God Our Refuge